Confession: A change

Confession: A change

Okay, it’s confession time.
Remember when I said I’m naturally skinny (and that you could hate me?), well, I think my eating habits are catching up to me.
I don’t keep a scale in my house.  I just don’t.  I don’t think it’s nice or fair or healthy.  I say that because I feel like I would be obsessively weighing myself watching the pounds fluctuate and spiral into a deep depression for the smallest gain.
But lately?  I’ve been feeling a little sluggish.
And I’m noticing my clothes fit me a little differently.
And the stick says I’m not pregnant, so it must be my habits.
It could be five pounds.  Ten? Maybe fifteen?
It’s nothing that would probably be noticeable to anyone else.
But what does it matter what is noticeable to another person when I. feel. gross.

Anyone who knows me well will tell you that I eat what I want when I want.
And the strange thing is?  I hardly ever want veggies or greek yogurt or fancy smoothies.
I want fast food.
And potato chips.
And dessert.  Lots and lots of dessert.
But I’m making a change.  No, really.  I am.
I’m vowing for the rest of the month of September that I will not eat any fast food.
(If you really knew me and knew how often I surrender to fast food in lieu of cooking, you’d probably scoff at this).
I can’t swear off desserts.  Not entirely.  Not unless you want to hear about me in the news.
I’d be the girl who hurled herself off the tallest building mourning the loss of ice cream and cupcakes. 
But I’ll limit them.  [wow, it actually hurt to type that].
Maybe a smaller treat every other day?
That one?  I’m not so sure I’ll be able to pull off.
But the no fast food?   I’ll do it even if it kills me.
Which it won’t because it’s the eating of fast food that will kill me.
I’m swapping pancakes for cereal and a banana.
I already love edamame, so I stocked up and will exchange that for my afternoon snack of a bag few potato chips.
I’m also restarting the Julian Michaels 30 Day Shred.
This is happening y’all.
I don’t care if I lose a pound.
I don’t even know what I weigh.
I just want to feel better.
Dont Quote The Raven