It’s Okay: ugly cry edition

It’s Okay…
-That yesterday ended with me coming straight home, crawling into bed and throwing myself a pity party.  I think stress just caught up to me, and I was feeling so low and completely weepy.  My stomach was feeling off all day, so I loaded up on pepto, antacids and turned S&TC on which turned into Gossip Girl which later inspired a DVD marathon of Dawson’s Creek.
But before the marathon, Mr. Husband came home.  He was surprised to find me in bed already (7:30, don’t judge).  And he gave me that “I’m concerned” look which sent me into the ugly cry.  Why is it that when someone shows concern or asks “are you okay?” we burst into tears?  Either way, I pulled the whole scrunched face head in hands high pitched only-dogs-can-hear-you-now explanation of why I was crying.  Or rather, lack of explanation.
It’s also okay that after I sobbed into my husband’s shoulder my night turned way around.  Mr. Husband crawled into bed next to me, played me in Words With Friends and analyzed the kids on GG and later Dawson’s Creek with me.  Also, Bailey cheered my up by being her adorable cute self.  
Also, we kind of taught our dog to say “I love you.”  She’s not really saying it, but whatever makes us laugh, right?
It’s totally okay.
It’s really okay.
It’s going to be okay.

Its Ok Thursdays